Díaz-Canel ratifies Cuba's zero tolerance to gender violence

Cuban President Miguel Díaz-Canel ratified Friday his country's zero tolerance to gender violence and urged to improve prevention systems.
At the closing ceremony of the eleventh Congress of the Federation of Cuban Women, the head of state said that to confront this scourge it is not enough with the police and the courts, he also considered it necessary to improve the systems of popular and family education at the community level with prophylactic, preventive approaches.

Homeland or Death: the eternal vibration of Fidel's voice

There are decisive moments for the life of peoples that mark the beginning of new paths, that build revolutionary attitudes, unrenounceable concepts, eternal embrace of shared ideologies.
If, on top of that, they are led by a man whose moral stature made him an exceptional model of a leader, then there is no doubt: the years will pass, the times will change, but those moments will remain latent in the hearts of millions of people and beyond, in the historical memory of the nation.

Cubans recall sabotage of French vessel La Coubre

Cubans recall this Monday, the explosion of the French vessel La Coubre 64 years ago in Havana, the result of a terrorist attack that left a hundred people dead and hundreds wounded.
The vessel arrived in the Cuban capital with armaments and ammunition acquired in Western Europe by the emerging Revolution to defend itself against the increasing aggressions from the United States.

Díaz-Canel calls for participation in march in support of Palestine

Cuban President Miguel Díaz-Canel reiterated the call to the people of the island to participate in the world mobilization in support of Palestine on March 2.
Through his account in X, the president detailed that in all provinces and in Havana they will take to the streets in solidarity with that brotherly people and to condemn the holocaust that Israel intends to provoke in Rafah.

Cohiba Atmosphere and Montecristo Deleggend, genuine Cuban coffees

Cuban gourmet coffees Cohiba Atmosphere and Montecristo Deleggend are participating in the 24th Habano Festival as products genuinely designed to pair with Cuba, the director of Commercial Intelligence of Cubacafé, Martha García, said.
In declarations to Prensa Latina, García explained that these gourmet coffees (Cohiba Atmosphere and Montecristo Deleggend) were created by Comercial Cubacafé together with Corporación Habanos S.A., in 2002, and both are very compatible and harmonious with Habanos.

Prime Minister of Cuba continues intense work program in Dubai

The Prime Minister of Cuba, Manuel Marrero, met today with the President of the Central African Republic, Faustin-Archange Touadéra, as part of the bilateral program in the context of the World Summit of Governments.
During the meeting, Marrero affirmed that Africa is an essential part of the history of the Caribbean nation, and recalled that Cuba has always supported the cause of African countries since its fight against apartheid.

Cuba seeks to boost its economy, despite hostile scenario

The Cuban Government is working on strategies to correct distortions, boost the economy and maintain its social project, despite the complex scenario it faces due to the United States blockade, Prime Minister Manuel Marrero said here on Friday.
At a meeting with the Cuban State Mission in France, the head of Government shared the priorities to move Cuba’s socialist project forward, in a context he compared to that of a war economy, marked by the tightening of Washington’s blockade, which aggravates the impact of global crises and conflicts.

The 14th International Congress of Higher Education in Cuba ends

The 14th International Congress of Higher Education University 2024 ended after four days of intense debates focused on how to stimulate more relevant, quality teaching with social commitment.
In the opinion of Cuban Minister of Higher Education Walter Baluja, University 2024 is already a milestone for Cuban higher education, as it provides a platform for the exchange of knowledge, international collaboration, and the strengthening of educational quality.
