Homeland or Death: the eternal vibration of Fidel's voice

There are decisive moments for the life of peoples that mark the beginning of new paths, that build revolutionary attitudes, unrenounceable concepts, eternal embrace of shared ideologies.
If, on top of that, they are led by a man whose moral stature made him an exceptional model of a leader, then there is no doubt: the years will pass, the times will change, but those moments will remain latent in the hearts of millions of people and beyond, in the historical memory of the nation.
That is why, for Cuba, every March 5 has a meaning that alludes to the most sincere and deepest of our patriotic convictions. After the fateful day when a brutal terrorist act shook the nation, the slogan that clarified to the enemy the position of the sons and daughters of this land in the face of their yearning to recover what never belonged to them, was raised in response to crime, hatred and the sickening hegemonic fixation.
Since then, it surfaced many times on the lips of the giant of Moncada, always as a culmination of the most accurate truths, of the noblest ideas. They were a permanent call to do for Cuba, for the Revolution and for the noble causes to which we have never been indifferent.
In a brief but forceful, energetic and sincere phrase, Fidel bequeathed us the unlimited scope of his sense of belonging for this Island, for this work, that which he shared with his comrades in ideals, which became an uninterrupted tradition for this people, which is acclimated to the times and shared in the most dissimilar ways, from one generation to another.
Only the peoples who have fought so hard for their homeland -like ours-, who have managed to conquer it for all, for their children's children, understand the meaning of losing it. The mere idea that opportunist hands would lay hands on it to dishonor it and return it to the unworthy condition of a slave, awakens an incomparable conviction to give one's life, if offering it is the price to prevent such abuses.
In the midst of the pain of the losses, confidence, the value of unity and, above all, the certainty that the path chosen would always be a motive for a siege that ignores moral limits or elementary human rights, also grew. To be attentive, prepared and united to face it is the best possible strategy.
To the Commander, gratitude for adding this concept to his legacy, for providing us with a call to combat even in times of peace, for stirring us to the last revolutionary fiber, as if his voice vibrates again, every time we hear in this land: "Homeland or Death".