
  • Letter written to U.S. President Franklin Delano Roosevelt by Fidel Castro when he was a student at the Colegio de Dolores.

    Fecha: 06/11/1940
    Fecha: 06/11/1940
  • In a poster of the Class 1944-1945 of the Colegio de Belén appears the Picture and the name of Fidel Castro.

    Fecha: 31/05/1945
    Fecha: 06/1945
  • The diploma that credits his condition as Bachelor of Arts was issued on September 29, 1945, by the Secondary School No. 2 of Havana.
    Fecha: 29/09/1945
    Fecha: 29/09/1945
  • Sheet from the Personal Planner of Gaitán in which is recorded his appointment with Fidel Castro.

    Fecha: 07/04/1948
    Fecha: 07/04/1948
  • Diploma issued on October 13, 1950 by the University of Havana which certifies the degree of Doctor of Law of Fidel Castro Ruz.

    Fecha: 13/10/1950
    Fecha: 13/10/1950