Artículos Sobre Fidel

Articles | 22/05/2024 |

Some 600,000 Cubans have provided medical assistance in 165 countries.
May 23, 1963 marked a milestone in Cuba's history. On that day, a plane transported 29 doctors, four stomatologists, 14 nurses and seven health technicians to Algeria to provide permanent services to that people.

This was the first Cuban internationalist medical mission, which in 60 years has been present in 165 countries, with more than 600,000...

Articles | 19/04/2024 |

"Get up, the invasion is here...!"
This voice, with the sum of desperation and epic that it implies, went from house to house in the towns closest to the landing site.
It must also have been heard in other places far from Girón, in the Zapata Swamp, because for days the country had been living under the threat of disembarkation and aggression.
Many Cubans declared themselves militiamen and demanded weapons and ammunition to...

Articles | 16/04/2024 |

Our Party has to be the instrument for the promotion, for the political development of the best citizens of the country, who must have the full, unrestricted confidence of the Party and the people.

Articles | 06/03/2024 |

"Our generation will always celebrate the opportunity we had to live the time of two giants of the Revolution and Latin American integration: Fidel Castro and Hugo Chávez", was the first post in X of the First Secretary of the Communist Party and President of the Republic, Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez, yesterday, on the 11th anniversary of the physical departure of Commander Hugo Chávez Frías, leader of the Bolivarian Revolution of Venezuela....

Articles | 05/03/2024 |

There are decisive moments for the life of peoples that mark the beginning of new paths, that build revolutionary attitudes, unrenounceable concepts, eternal embrace of shared ideologies.
If, on top of that, they are led by a man whose moral stature made him an exceptional model of a leader, then there is no doubt: the years will pass, the times will change, but those moments will remain latent in the hearts of millions of...

Articles | 07/01/2024 |

Eighth day of January 1959. Never before had the streets and squares of Havana supported so much human weight (physical, sentimental and patriotic). Fidel himself could not stand the temptation or the need to say it, almost at the conclusion of his speech at the Columbia Military Camp, later converted into Libertad School City, when he affirmed:

Articles | 05/01/2024 |

The flag of the three blue stripes and the lone star was raised, by the friends of Cuba in the world, in the constant actions against the criminal economic, commercial and financial blockade imposed by the United States more than 60 years ago.
In the year 2023, the solidarity groups demanded the lifting of all coercive measures, the exclusion of Cuba from the spurious list of countries sponsoring terrorism, the normalization of...