Cuba maintains its sovereign position in the face of Washington's hostility

The president of Cuba, Miguel Díaz-Canel, today reaffirmed the will to defend independence and sovereignty in the face of the growing hostility of the United States.
Before more than 1,100 delegates to the International Meeting in Solidarity with Cuba and against Imperialism, held at the Havana Convention Palace, the president thanked the international support for the Cuban cause and affirmed that his country will follow the path set since January 1, 1959.

Terrorists based in the US instigate violent actions against Cuba

Cuban experts detailed the modus operandi of terrorists based in the United States, who use social networks to instigate crimes and commit acts of contempt for authorities.

The experts explained on national television how digital platforms are used to stimulate crowds to commit acts of subversion and other crimes, which are contemplated in the unconventional war manuals applied by the United States against Cuba.

Tribute in Italy to Cuba for its support in the fight against Covid-19

The Piedmontese community of Boves today paid tribute to the victims of Covid-19 and to Cuba, for its solidarity support with medical brigades arriving in Italy in the hardest days of that pandemic.
The ceremony, which took place as part of the activities on the occasion of Liberation Day, took place at 9:00 local time in a park on Via Domonosola, presided over by Mayor Maurizio Paoletti, who highlighted the importance of help from nations like Cuba, Norway, Albania and Romania in those difficult times.

Day of the Tank in Cuba commemorates victory over mercenary invasion

The Day of the Tank in Cuba today pays tribute to the fighters who pushed back the mercenaries on the second day of the U.S.-sponsored landing on the sands of Playa Giron in 1961.
Some 1,500 armed troops, trained and transported by the Central Intelligence Agency, had landed on April 17 of that year with the purpose of establishing a beachhead, setting up a provisional government already appointed in the United States and requesting a direct intervention by the U.S. Army.

Cuba rejects Washington's unilateral coercive measures against Venezuela

The Government of Cuba has rejected the implementation by the Administration of Joe Biden of unilateral coercive measures against the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.
In a statement released through X, Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodríguez condemned the White House's intention to maintain the existing pressure measures and increase them with the explicit purpose of destabilizing the South American nation and provoke a change of government that would allow it to take control of the country's resources, which legitimately belong to its people.

Electromedicine Center in Cuba defies challenges due to the blockade

For the Public Health system of the largest region of Cuba, the Electromedicine Center is crucial in solving the challenges imposed by the United States blockade.
The constant search for solutions has led this group, which has the Association of Innovators and Rationalizers (Anir) as its driving force, to important results which have allowed it to save the country more than a million dollars in 2023.

Terrorism against Cuba with more US funds

U.S. taxpayers' money will be used to finance another initiative of media terrorism against Cuba, under the name of Accelerate Fund for Independent Media and Content Creators, digital platforms denounced here.

Cuba issues call to celebrate International Workers Day

The Central de Trabajadores de Cuba (CTC) today called for a nationwide celebration of International Workers' Day on May 1 with a day of mobilization under the slogan "For Cuba, together we create."
From the Electronic Industry Enterprise Comandante Camilo Cienfuegos, the Secretary General of the CTC, Ulises Guilarte, affirmed that the rallies will take place in squares, towns and workplaces, as a reflection of the unity of the Cuban people, which is the greatest strength of the Revolution.

Diaz-Canel receives the president of China Cooperation Agency

The First Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba and resident of the Republic, Miguel Díaz-Canel received Thursday Luo Zhaohui, president of the China International Development Cooperation Agency (CIDCA), and the delegation accompanying him.
The visitors conveyed a cordial greeting from the general secretary of the Communist Party of China, Xi Jiping, to the Cuban president and the leader of the Revolution, Army General Raúl Castro Ruz.
