Cultural Event on Digital Media Opened in Cuba

Specialists on computing and communications opened today the 5th Event of Cuban Culture on Digital Media in an attempt to discuss the best use of that universal phenomenon and include domestic issues.

Cuba Begins First International Course on Ebola

The First International Course for the prevention and confrontation of Ebola virus in the region of the Americas begins today at the "Pedro Kouri" Tropical Medicine Institute in Havana.

Cuba and Vietnam Ratify Socialism Continuity

The Cuban Communist Party (PCC) and the Communist Party of Vietnam reaseerted their commitment to keep going on the construction of socialism, under the principles of equality, balance and humanism.

The New York Times Admits US Interference in Cuba

For the fifth time in less than a month, The New York Times published a long editorial on Cuba, in which it listed the countless destabilizing efforts by the United States to overthrow the Cuban government.

XXXII Havana Fair to Mark a Landmark, Vice President

The Vice President of the Council of Ministers, Ricardo Cabrisas asserted that the XXXII international Fair in Havana (Fihav) will be a milestone for being the first dedicated to promotion of foreign investment.

EU Praises Cuba Advantages for Foreign Investment

The European Union (EU) praised the advantages of Cuba for foreign capital investment, central theme of the 32th International Fair of Havana which ends today, due to the education level of its workforce, geographical location, image, international recognition and growing regional integration.
