Soldado de las Ideas
The five working committees of X Congress of the Union of Young Communists (UJC) today began their sessions to discuss issues of interest to that piece of Cuban society.
The more than 600 delegates and guests discuss matters related to the new scenarios in the defense of the country, will assess the changes in the political organization of young people, the cultural consumption and recreation, as well as the changes in the educational system.
In about 48 hours, the flag of the Republic of Cuba will fly over its embassy in Washington and in the US State Deparment, seven months and three days after the historic announcement by presidents Barack Obama and Raul Castro.
The reopening of the Cuban Embassy will be a significant event, after 54 years of rupture in diplomatic relations, to again hoist the Cuban flag in the capital of the United States, as a result of an agreement between both counrtries, reaffirmed the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Antillean nation.
The national president of the Communist Party of Brazil (PCdoB), deputy Luciana Santos, will start from this Saturday a four-day visit to Cuba to strengthen relations with the communist organization of the Caribbean island.
This is a trip to exchange ideas and update our struggle in the midst of an extended global economic crisis and the socialist option that remains, Santos told Prensa Latina.
The 26th U.S.-Cuba Friendship Caravan, led by nearly 50 Pastors for Peace members, arrives in Cuba today with its load of solidarity aid, after a brief stay in Mexico.
Solidarity groups and members of the caravan met yesterday evening to participate in a public-ecumenical ceremony in front of the U.S. embassy in Mexico, located in one of the main streets of this capital.
Army General Raúl Castro Ruz, President of the Councils of State and Ministers, yesterday afternoon, July 16, received Dr. Frank-Walter Steinmeier, minister of Foreign Relations of the Federal Republic of Germany, who is making an official visit to the country.
Cuban President, Raul Castro, is attending today the Plenary Session of the Fifth Ordinary Period of Sessions of the Parliament Eighth Legislature, at the Convention Center of this capital.
After three intensive working days by commissions, legislators have discussed important problems of the Caribbean island's reality.
They monitored the population's statements in their neighborhood meetings of the delegates with voters, and their corresponding responses in each district of the country.
The president of the Congress of South African Trade Unions (Cosatu), Sidumo Dlamini, said today that the five Cubans who were held in U.S. prisons for fighting terrorism are an inspiration to continue the struggle here and in other nations.
In his speech during the second and final day of the special Cosatu's congress, Dlamini referred to the recent visit of Gerardo Hernandez, Ramon Labañino, Antonio Guerrero, Fernando Gonzalez, and Rene Gonzalez.
They toured five South African provinces from June 21 to July 3.
The book "Raul Castro, un hombre en Revolucion" (Raul Castro, A Man in Revolution), written by Russian writer Nikolai S. Leonov, will be launched today in this capital.
The launching will take place at a special session of the People's Power National Assembly, with the participation of legislators from that legislative body.
The book does not only deal with the personal life of the head of State, but also is a valuable compilation of events that marked the Caribbean island in recent decades.
Floral wreaths from both Fidel and Raúl were laid at the tomb of Mariana Grajales, icon of the women's struggle and the fight for an independent Cuba free from slavery, to mark the bicentenary of her birth.
The historic leader of the Cuban Revolution, Fidel Castro, met on Thursday with officers and civil workers of the Ministry of the Interior and the Revolutionary Armed Forces (FAR).
Fidel Castro presented them with diplomas acknowledging their work in food production, according to a press release published here.