Soldado de las Ideas
Holds a fraternal meeting at 11:30 am this Friday with his Excellency Mr. Vladímir Vladímirovich Putin, President of the Russian Federation who is in Cuba in an Official Visit.
Holds a meeting with officers and staff from the Cuban Ministry of the Interior and the Revolutionary Armed Forces where he handed down diplomas to acknowledge the work carried out in food production. He speaks about the incremental growth of world’s population, the climate change, the crisis caused by the increasing shortage of water and the international conflicts impacting the rise in commodities. Under these conditions he highlights the importance of improving food production yielding, the use of science in the reproduction and development of livestock.
CubadebateHolds a meeting with officers and staff from the Cuban Ministry of the Interior and the Revolutionary Armed Forces where he handed down diplomas to acknowledge the work carried out in food production. He speaks about the incremental growth of world’s population, the climate change, the crisis caused by the increasing shortage of water and the international conflicts impacting the rise in commodities. Under these conditions he highlights the importance of improving food production yielding, the use of science in the reproduction and development of livestock.
Holds a four hour long conversation with nineteen cheese masters who attend a training course at the Cuban Ministry of Food Industry’s Research Institute in Guatao town.
Holds a four hour long conversation with nineteen cheese masters who attend a training course at the Cuban Ministry of Food Industry’s Research Institute in Guatao town.
Holds a four hour long conversation with nineteen cheese masters who attend a training course at the Cuban Ministry of Food Industry’s Research Institute in Guatao town.
He is decorated with Public Health Order in its Ighest degree Grad by the Bolivia’s Minister of Social Welfare and Public Health in a ceremony held in the Palace of the Revolution.
He attends celebrations for the anniversaries of the round table program, rally’s, demonstrations, marches which took place since the beginning of the Battle of Ideas.
Assembly of members of the United Party of the Socialist Revolution (PURS Spanish language acronym) and exemplary workers of the construction.
Fraternal meeting between comrade Fidel and Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez Frías, where they talked about previous meetings.