Soldado de las Ideas
Dedicating his book "La victoria estratégica" to Kcho: To Kcho, genius of culture and education, with the honest recognition for the nobility with which he devotes his life to the happiness of his people.”
Holds a fraternal meeting with His Excellency Tomislav Nikolić, President of the Republic of Serbia, who decorated him with the banner of the Order of Serbia for his contribution to the development friendly and cooperation relations between the two countries.
Holds a fraternal meeting with His Excellency Tomislav Nikolić, President of the Republic of Serbia, who decorated him with the banner of the Order of Serbia for his contribution to the development friendly and cooperation relations between the two countries.
Holds a fraternal meeting with His Excellency Tomislav Nikolić, President of the Republic of Serbia, who decorated him with the banner of the Order of Serbia for his contribution to the development friendly and cooperation relations between the two countries.
Holds a fraternal meeting with His Excellency Tomislav Nikolić, President of the Republic of Serbia, who decorated him with the banner of the Order of Serbia for his contribution to the development friendly and cooperation relations between the two countries.
Pronuncia discurso en la concentración en la Plaza de la Revolución "José Martí", para proclamar a Cuba Territorio Libre de Analfabetismo.
During the interview given to Carmen Lira, Director of Mexican newspaper "La Jornada".
Meeting held with the Russian writer Daniel Estulin. To the left, Aixa Hevia, vice-president of the Cuban Journalists Association (UPEC).
Fraternal meeting with President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela Hugo R. Chávez Frías, where he exchanges for five hours about various international affairs.
Conversation with journalists from the Round Table Program.