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With Nikita Kruschev, during his stay in New York to attend the 15th General Assembly of the United Nations.
At the 12th Ordinary Session of the National Assembly of the People’s Power celebrated in the Convention Palace. “What would be the meaning of our lives without socialism or the Revolution? What future would our nation have? We are defending the Cuban nation. We are defending national independence”.
“I believe the imperialists will have to learn a lot about what a social force of this kind means. Lenin said that a revolution was worthwhile when it could defend itself. The truth is that our organization has demonstrated that it is capable of defending itself. And it is defending itself with powerful tools”.
On the stairway of the University of Havana during the ceremony commemorating of the execution of the medical students.
Recorrido tras el paso del huracán Michelle, Cienfuegos.
Recorrido por Cienfuegos después del paso de Michelle.
Visita a Cienfuegos después del paso del huracán Lili en octubre de 1996.
Sostiene conversación con Wen Jiabao, viceprimer ministro del Comité Permanente del Buró Político del Partido Comunista de China durante su visita a la República Popular China.
Pronuncia discurso en el Parque Central de Güines.
Pronuncia discurso en el Parque Central de Güines.