General Gallery


Visit to Argentina 03

Commander in Chief Fidel Castro Ruz in the official photo for the MERCOSUR Heads of State of and Associated States Summit. Cordoba Argentina.

Visit to Argentina 02

Arrival of Commander in Chief Fidel Castro Ruz to the city of Cordoba, Argentina, host of the 30th MERCOSUR Heads of State of and Associated States Summit.

1st anniversary of the Sandinista Revolution

With Daniel Ortega, president de Nicaragua y Grenada Prime Minister Maurice Bishop, during the main event in the celebrations for the first anniversary of the Sandinista Revolution in the "19 de Julio" Plaza in Nicaragua.

In Salvador de Bahía 03

Presidents Fidel Castro and César Gaviria, from Colombia, during the 3rd Ibero-American Summit. Salvador, Bahia, Brazil.

Meeting of Vladimir Putin 03

Holds a fraternal meeting at 11:30 am this Friday with his Excellency Mr. Vladímir Vladímirovich Putin, President of the Russian Federation who is in Cuba in an Official Visit.
