General Gallery


Trip to Bulgaria 02

During his visit to the city of Tolbujin, where he went to the agricultural industrial complex in the region.

30th Anniversary of MERCOSUR

The press follows him at the entry of the venues where the 30th MERCOSUR and Associated States Summit is been held in Córdoba, Argentina.

With Tomislav Nikolić 03

Holds a fraternal meeting with His Excellency Tomislav Nikolić, President of the Republic of Serbia, who decorated him with the banner of the Order of Serbia for his contribution to the development friendly and cooperation relations between the two countries.

Interview with Barbara Walters 02

Interview with ABC News host Barbara Walters, where different bilateral and strategic topics between the two countries were discussed.

In Salvador de Bahía 02

He meets Antonio Imbassahy, Governor of Bahía State, and with Antonio Carlos Magalhes, former Governor at Salvador de Bahía s Government venues.

With French President, François Hollande 02

He holds a cordial and friendly meeting with his Excellency Mr François Hollande in the occasion of his visit to Cuba. During the meeting they talked about the historic ties between Cuba and France, as well as about important matters and discussed their complexity and challenges. He expressed his gratitude to Mr Hollande for being the first French Head of State to visit Cuba.
