Soldado de las Ideas
The Commander in Chief holding the little girl Shirley Haye.
During the celebrations for the 40th Anniversary of the Proclamation of the Socialist Character of the Cuban Revolution and the Militia Day at the historic intersection of 23rd and 12th streets in Vedado neibourhood, Havana.
20th Anniversary of the Proclamation of the Socialist Character of the Cuban Revolution held at the Polygon of the Cuban Revolutionary Armed Forces FAR, "Commander Camilo Cienfuegos"
While on route to an event held during his visit he talks with a group of students travelling in a bus, several hands wave him through the bus windows to greet him.
While receiving the "George Dimitrov" Medal, presented by the Bulgarian Communist Party. By his side Osvaldo Dorticós and Juan Almeida Bosque.
Denounce at Havana’s Convention Center the presence of Luis Posada Carriles in the United States.
Presiding over opening ceremony for the Vilma Espin Guillois Teaching Complex Accompanied by Revolution Commander Ramiro Valdés and Army Corp General Abelardo Colomé Ibarra.
Opening ceremony for the “Vilma Espin Guillois” Teaching Complex.
Special presentation at Havana’s Convention Center.
Words spoken at the peiple’s rally on the occasion of the 3rd Anniversary of the Triumph of the Revolution.