General Gallery


At the closing ceremony of the Second CDR Congress 02

Closing ceremony of the Second Congress of Committees for the Defense of the Revolution (CDR in the Spanish-language abbreviation), where he states:


“I think that the imperialists should learn a lot about what a social force like this means. Lenin said that a revolution had value when it was capable of defending itself. To tell the truth, our Revolution has shown that it is capable of defending itself. And it defends itself with powerful instruments.”

October Crisis 04

Appearing on CMBF-Televisión Revolución in response to the speech made by President John F. Kennedy of the United States, regarding the situation of Soviet missiles on Cuban soil.

October Crisis 03

During the October Crisis, Fidel mobilizes with the people to defend the Revolution.

October Crisis 02

During the October Crisis, Fidel mobilizes with the people to defend the Revolution.
