New U.S. Provocations against Cuba Denounced

A so-called Democracy Movement in Miami promotes incursion of flotillas in Cuban territorial waters to provoke and call for subversion on the island, the website Cubadebate denounced.

Int’l Sports Convention Kicks Off in Havana

The Fourth International Convention of Spots and Physical Activity (AFIDE 2011) began on Tuesday at Havana’s Convention Center with the participation of more than 400 delegates from 29 countries.

Cubans Want Cuban 5 Free

As part of the World Campaign "Gimme 5 for The Cuban Five," workers, students and other sectors demand on Monday in Havana the release of the Cuban antiterrorist fighters unjustly serving long sentences in the United States.

Humanitarian Vocation of Cuba Highlighted in France

Cuba's humanitarian cooperation with other people in the Third World in the fields of health and education was the main topic of a presentation given by Paris-Sorbonne University Professor Salim Lamrani.
