Cuban Lawyer Asks Obama to Free Cuban 5

We should achieve that U.S. President Barack Obama use his power to free the five Cuban antiterrorist fighters unjustly held in U.S. prisons since 1998, lawyer Nuris Piñera said.

Spanish, Cuban Communist Parties for Strengthening Ties

The secretary general of Spain's Communist Party Jose Luis Centella, and the deputy secretary of Cuba's Communist Party (PCC), Jose Ramon Machado, Thursday expressed the interest of their political forces of strengthening ties.

Sugar Sector Remains a Cuban Priority

Cuba''s Acting Minister of Foreign Trade and Investment, Antonio Luis Carricarte, said today that the development of the sugar sector remains among the country's priorities.

Cuba Marks World Environment Day

Cuba on Tuesday is celebrating World Environment Day with several activities, including theoretical events at universities, cleaning, sowing plants in urban communities and reforestation works.

Latin Americans Want Cuban 5 Free

Students from the Latin American School of Medicine demanded in this capital the immediate return of the five Cuban antiterrorist fighters unjustly held in U.S. prisons since 1998.

Important Workers' Union in US Discusses Cuban 5 Cases

The International Committee to Free the Five said on Monday that the cases of the five Cuban antiterrorist fighters was analyzed in Denver, in the United States, during the Convention of the Service Employees International Union (SEIU). The presence of this issue in the SEIU National Convention was a step forward in the struggle to reveal U.S. workers and union leaders the injustice committed against the Cuban Five, states a press release from the solidarity group.
