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Cuban Permanent Representative at the United Nations Anayansi Rodriguez expressed gratitude here for the tribute paid by New Yorkers to revolutionary leader Fidel Castro in Harlem.
'The whole work of his life, dedicated to forge that better world we believe is possible, multiplies on you, in your firm solidarity with Cuba, and reaffirms our commitment to being faithful to the legacy of Fidel,' Rodriguez said at the event, held at the Malcolm X and Dr. Betty Shabazz Memorial and Educational Center.
The International Congress Pedagogy 2017 comes to an end today in this capital, after becoming a space to foster unity among global educators and discuss the necessary educational strategies for a better quality education.
During the closing ceremony, the President of the Scientific Committee, Eva Escalona, ​​said that over three thousand delegates from 51 nations attended, who recognized the quality and scientific rigor of papers presented.
In a mass rally at the Revolution Square in honor of Soviet leader Leonid Ilich Brezhnev, General Secretary of the Soviet Union Communist Party Central Committee. Havana city.
In a fraternal meeting with Argentina’s President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, before the presidential meeting of the 2nd Summit of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC). Dalia Soto, Fidel’s wife appears at the center.
Dedicating his book "La victoria estratégica" to Kcho: To Kcho, genius of culture and education, with the honest recognition for the nobility with which he devotes his life to the happiness of his people.”
Delivering a speech in the act for the 40th Anniversary of the National Revolutionary Police held at Karl Marx Theater
Presiding over the act for the 30th Aniversary of the Triumph of the Revolution and inauguration of EXPOCUBA
Visit to the USSR, to take part in the 26th CPSU Congress. Odesa, Moscow.
Assembly of the United Party of the Socialist Revolution of Cuba for Pinar del Rio, Havana and Matanzas held in Havana City.
Delivering a speech after being awarded the Honoris Causa Degree of the School of Humanities from the Autonomous University of Santo Domingo. Santiago de Cuba.