Address by Commander in Chief Fidel Castro Ruz, President of the Republic of Cuba, for the International Workers' Day ceremony held in Revolution Square May Day, 2006, “Year of the Energy Revolution in Cuba”

From October 10, 2005 a total of 10,500 social workers began working at the gasoline stations, refineries, distribution centers and tank trucks.  During this period, cash income from the sale of fuel in the gas stations has risen 2.53 times on a daily average.  We are entering a new era of reorganizing the system and this signals an important victory that encourages us all in this battle we have decided to wage against squandering and vice, lifting up the revolutionary morale wherever routine and egoism have been eroding it.

Segment of the televised round table discussion of the incident at the Mexican Embassy, featuring Commander in Chief Fidel Castro Ruz, broadcast live from the studios of Televisión Cubana on March 5, 2002, Year of the Heroic Prisoners of the Empire

Commander in Chief.- I would like to make a comment first of all. I want to say that I have followed these round tables for a long time, and it was at yesterday’s round table that an issue was analyzed with the greatest clarity and precision ever. I regretted very much to hear later that the strong winds that hit Havana yesterday had interrupted electrical power service in many areas of the capital.

Master lecture delivered by Commander-in-Chief Fidel Castro at the autonomous university of Santo Domingo. August 24, 1998

If in many parts of the world the representatives of that blockaded Cuba, slandered through the most sophisticated media, have friends and find so many ordinary men and women who understand their struggle, who understand their cause and express their solidarity with it, is it not that perhaps a lot more difficult than to dream of a better future, of a more just world and of a global, universal society which is truly humane?
