Four-hour TV appearance
Fidel Castro made four hour appearance on TV night April 2 at his request. Basic theme was attempt reassure those who were alarmed or fearful over course of revolution and general tenor was more moderate than other recent speeches. Castro repeatedly claimed that revolution would bring improved conditions to all sectors of Cuban society. Said those alarmed over course of revolution were suffering from purely imaginary fears. Effect statements largely negated by several remarks to effect that those who had been and would be hurt by revolution should realize that the measures had been necessary for benefit of country as a whole and in any case should reconcile themselves to inevitable. Other principal points were:
1. He condemned at length what he said were false and vicious attacks being made on the revolution by some sectors of US press and SPEC interests. Made repeated references to magazine TIME as principal culprit. Said intended take problem up when he visits US.
2. Castro said ideal political philosophy is that which gives all possible liberties to mankind and provides him with greatest amount of material satisfaction. Said this was doctrine of Cuban revolution which history would list among greatest social movements of humanity.
3. Replying to question on concern expressed by some people over possible increase of communism Castro said that revolution had restored public liberties and civil rights for all including Communists. It was unimportant that communism might appear to increase in Cuba as result. He added that no one would be persecuted in Cuba, including Communists and that all ideals and beliefs would be respected. He avoided comment concerning communist influence in Cuban Government or Cuban position in East-West conflict.
4. He said Agrarian reform was key measure, on which success of revolution depended. He expanded at length on advantages which this would bring to country.
5. He said urban reform measures would include further law which would enable tenants to become owners of rented property after reasonable period.
6. Government will create national bank for installment insurance which will underwrite installment purchases thus permitting them to be handled at low interest rates.
7. He said group accompanying him to US would investigate all possible sources of credit and economic development, American, Canadian and International. Added he would "demand US restore the quota of the increase of sugar consumption in the US which was taken from Cuba, since with that we should be selling a million more tons of sugar to US". In this connection acknowledged that low world sugar prices would cause difficulties.
8. He devoted nearly half hour to violent personal attack on Figures being reported separately.
1. He condemned at length what he said were false and vicious attacks being made on the revolution by some sectors of US press and SPEC interests. Made repeated references to magazine TIME as principal culprit. Said intended take problem up when he visits US.
2. Castro said ideal political philosophy is that which gives all possible liberties to mankind and provides him with greatest amount of material satisfaction. Said this was doctrine of Cuban revolution which history would list among greatest social movements of humanity.
3. Replying to question on concern expressed by some people over possible increase of communism Castro said that revolution had restored public liberties and civil rights for all including Communists. It was unimportant that communism might appear to increase in Cuba as result. He added that no one would be persecuted in Cuba, including Communists and that all ideals and beliefs would be respected. He avoided comment concerning communist influence in Cuban Government or Cuban position in East-West conflict.
4. He said Agrarian reform was key measure, on which success of revolution depended. He expanded at length on advantages which this would bring to country.
5. He said urban reform measures would include further law which would enable tenants to become owners of rented property after reasonable period.
6. Government will create national bank for installment insurance which will underwrite installment purchases thus permitting them to be handled at low interest rates.
7. He said group accompanying him to US would investigate all possible sources of credit and economic development, American, Canadian and International. Added he would "demand US restore the quota of the increase of sugar consumption in the US which was taken from Cuba, since with that we should be selling a million more tons of sugar to US". In this connection acknowledged that low world sugar prices would cause difficulties.
8. He devoted nearly half hour to violent personal attack on Figures being reported separately.
Ciudad de la Havana, Cuba