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Interview given by Comandante en Jefe Fidel Castro Ruz to the national press after exercising his right to vote, February 3, 2013, Year 55 of the Revolution.
After the triumph of the Cuban Revolution, Mexico set a unique example in the hemisphere: the only country that didn't break off with Cuba, that firmly maintained relations opposite the pressure of the United States, that has pursued a firm, consistent international policy at the United Nations.
In a press conference in which he explained the details of the counterrevolutionary plot, Premier Fidel Castro said that he had not made a report on the matter sooner because he would have been forced to explain only part of it.
Dr. Fidel Castro, Prime Minister of the Revolutionary Government and President of the Agrarian Reform Institute, appeared last night on a television broadcast, Channel 2 TV. The panelists took this opportunity to ask him questions with regard to the Agrarian Reform and the various factions that have pronounced themselves in favor or against this strictly revolutionary measure, which has been well defined as the basic law of the Revolution.
Fidel Castro in TV interview last night covered wide range of subjects. Interview noteworthy for frequency and vehemence of his attack on propertied minority who he charged are seeking to undermine revolution. Highlights of interview follow.
Fidel Castro met by large jubilant crowds upon return May 8. Spoke to estimated 5 or 600,000 people for nearly four hours at Plaza Civica.
In our of the longest official interviews recorded in the history of
the Uruguayan Foreign Ministry (47 minutes), Cuban Prime Minister Fidel
Castro talked yesterday with the President of the National Government
Council, Martin R. Echegoyen. The meeting was proceeded by a certain
confusion in the morning, when the original time of 6 P.M.
Castro repeatedly claimed that revolution would bring improved conditions to all sectors of Cuban society.
News & World Report" sent its Inter-American News Editor--Clark H. Galloway--to Cuba for this exclusive interview with Fidel Castro after he took over as Prime Minister.
"Tell the people of our country, including we editors, what we should do to help Cuba and you to make the Revolution successful?