Soldado de las Ideas
Alter concluding the inaugural ceremony of the Primary School Teachers Intensive Training Course, Fidel talked with students.
Meeting with Cuban internationalists in Angola.
Visit to the UN, Millennium Summit, New York. “Humanity should be aware of what we have been so far and what we cannot continue to be. Presently, our species has enough accumulated knowledge, ethical values and scientific resources to move towards a new historical era of true justice and humanism.”
Visit to the ‘Hector Pieterson’ Memorial during his visit to South Africa.
Meeting with the medical contingent ‘Henry Reeve’. Havana’s Conference Center.
The Commander in Chief Fidel Castro announces the First Havana Declaration at Revolution Square.
On a trip to Venezuela, Fidel enjoys the beauty of the Venezuelan landscape at Hugo Chavez’ side, visiting Canaima National Park in the state of Bolivar.
Fidel with representatives of the solidaity with Cuba organizations. Hotel Plaza de La Paz, Bolivia
At the encounter with the Pastors for Peace, held at the Cuban United Nations Mission in New York. Fidel is in the picture with Rev. Lucius Walker.
Fidel, Chávez and other leaders and personalities from Latin America and the Caribbean preside over the first graduation ceremony of the Latin American School of Medicine (ELAM)