Soldado de las Ideas
During a mass rally at the Cerro Stadium, calling the people to engage in the battle to complete sixth grade primary education.
Speech made at the ceremony commemorating the 60th anniversary of his admission to the university, held at the Main Hall of the University of Havana.
Speech made by Commander in Chief Fidel Castro Ruz at the FAO headquarters in Rome during the World Food Summit.
Speech made by Commander in Chief Fidel Castro Ruz at the funeral for the heroes who fell in unequal combat against Yankee imperialism in Grenada.
Commemoration of the 35th Anniversary of the Literacy Campaign, Havana City.
Attending the International Meeting of Parties and Movements on the 70th Anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution. Moscow.
Fidel cuts sugarcane during one of the many voluntary work sessions he took part in during the first sugarcane harvests after the Revolution.
Remarks at Cuban television on the current international situation, the world economic crisis and the way it can affect Cuba.
Closing session of the 1st Pioneers Organization Congress, November 1, 1991.