General Gallery


The Victory of Ideas

Poster commemorating the Attack on the Moncada and Carlos Manuel de Céspedes Garrisons.

At the Informative Round Table TV program 25

Fidel, live, at the Informative Round Table Cuban television program, which discussed the impact of the March against Terrorism and the arrest of terrorist Luis Posada Carriles in the United States.

At the Informative Round Table TV program 14

Fidel, live, at the Informative Round Table Cuban television program, which discussed the impact of the March against Terrorism and the arrest of terrorist Luis Posada Carriles in the United States.


Fidel participated at a meeting of ambassadors at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MINREX)

At the Informative Round Table TV program

Fidel, live, at the Informative Round Table Cuban television program, which discussed the impact of the March against Terrorism and the arrest of terrorist Luis Posada Carriles in the United States.

At the Informative Round Table TV program

Fidel, live, at the Informative Round Table Cuban television program, which discussed the impact of the March against Terrorism and the arrest of terrorist Luis Posada Carriles in the United States.

Commander in Chief: ¡Ordene!" (At your command!)

Poster designed by Juan Ayús with a Korda photograph and the heading of "Comandante en Jefe: ¡Ordene!" (Commander in Chief: At your command!); it was distributed in the Young Communists League (UJC) during the days of the October Crisis.

Fidel and Che in conversation 03

Fidel saying goodbye to Commander Ernesto Che Guevara at the airport where they have a friendly conversation before Che leaves on an extensive tour through Africa and Asia.

Leaving the Presidio Modelo (Model Prison) on the Isle of Pines

Leaving the Presidio Modelo on the Isle of Pines along with other revolutionaries, as a result of the strong pressure and campaigns by the people to free them in May 1955.  In the weeks following, he undertook an intense task of agitation and denunciations and he founded the July 26th Movement in order to carry on the revolutionary struggle.

Fidel in a meeting with members of the Pastors for Peace Organization at the Cuban Mission to the UN in New York

Fidel in a meeting with members of the Pastors for Peace Organization at the Cuban Mission to the UN in New York. “It is said that Jesus Christ said to Peter: “You are Peter and on this rock I shall build my church.” We can say of you, Cuba’s friends, and of Pastors for Peace, as Christ said: You are like rocks of friendship, fraternity, solidarity, nobility and on these rocks the everlasting and fraternal relations between the American and Cuban people shall be built.” 
