General Gallery


Speech in the Conventions Centre 04

Analyzing measures and perspectives of economic, political and social life for a working meeting in the Conference Center. Representatives from the political and mass organizations, officers and combatants of the Revolutionary Armed Forces and the Ministry of Interior took part.

In the Louvre 01

Fidel walks the halls of the Louvre Museum in Paris, France, along with representatives of the government of the Cuba and France

Fighting as a soldier of ideas

Back cover of the Verde Olivo magazine with a reference to Commander in Chief Fidel Castro’s message to the Cuban people on February 18, 2008, when he said: “I only want to fight as a solider of ideas.”

Fidel’s 80th birthday

Bohemia magazine cover No 17 dedicated to Fidel’s birthday with a brief outline of his career as a revolutionary.


Poster of the Organization of Solidarity of the Peoples of Africa, Asia and Latin America. Portrait of Fidel.

Solidarity with Cuba

Poster from the Peoples of Africa, Asia and Latin American Solidarity Organization.Sjech of Fidel representing solidarity.

III FMC Congress 01

Congratulating Vilma Espín, President of the Federation of Cuban Women (FMC in its Spanish abbreviation) during the Third FMC Congress after she received the Lenin Prize for Peace from the USSR Supreme Soviet Presidium for her notable contributions to the cause of peace and progress


During the encounter with high school and university students on the occasion of International Students’ Day and the  fifth anniversary of his historical speech in the Aula Magna of the University of Havana.  At this meeting, he read his “Message to Students”.  

The quebracho

Cartoon included in an exhibition ('Profiles') in the lobby of the Editora 5 de Septiembre publishing house in Cienfuegos, as a tribute to the 50th anniversary of the founding of the revolutionary armed forces and as an 80th birthday present to Fidel from the townspeople of Cienfuegos.
