
Wives of Cuban Five Appreciate Solidarity Efforts in Canada

Adriana Perez and Elizabeth Palmeiro, the wives of two of the five anti-terrorist Cuban fighters unfairly held in US prisons, thanked today the organizers of a tribunal and a people´s assembly to denounce judicial violations committed against them.

They also thanked participants in the two events, in session through Sunday, Sep.23, in Toronto, as part of the world campaign of support to their husbands, Gerardo Hernandez and Ramon Labanino, respectively, as well as to their comrades Antonio Guerrero, Fernando Gonzalez and Rene Gonzalez.

"Above all, we would like to thank, on behalf of The Cuban Five, as they are known worldwide, their relatives and the Cuban people, the efforts carried ut by solidarity groups and figures that have organized this important event Breaking Silence: Freedom to the Cuban Five," they said in the opening ceremony.

Perez and Palmeiro described as very important the holding of this type of activities, where journalists are able to hear arguments first hand and have the chance to clear up doubts about the case, which has been manipulated by the big press.

In this regard, they stressed that the case of the Cuban Five is ignored and silenced by big media organizations and is unknown by the international public opinion.

Adriana and Elizabeth also explained that the United States violates the human rights of the Cuban Five, and their families have also been "victims of a segment of the Florida-based Cuban community and the US authoritiesâ�Ö irrational hatred."

They also referred to the latest legal action filed before US justice in order to prove how Washington paid journalists and media organizations to mount an adverse media campaign in Miami to have these men given harsh sentences.

Perez and Palmeiro are among people invited to the two Canadian meetings.

The court will spread the irregularities of the legal process followed against The Cuban Five and will issue a declaration based on testimonies about the sentences the payment of journalists, the inhuman treatment received by them in prison and the refusal of visas for their relatives to visit them.

The assembly is scheduled to discuss and approve an action plan to put pressure on the government of Canada and US President Barack Obama to release the Cuban Five and let them return to their homeland with their families.

Tomorrow, participants will gather outside the US Consulate in Toronto to demand the immediate, unconditional release of these Cuban fighters.

These events are attended by notables including actor Danny Glover, Lemelin Denis (president of the Canadian Customs Workers Union); British union leader Tony Woodley and activists Cindy Sheehan, Alicia Jrapko and Gloria La Riva, among others.


Prensa Latina

