
WHO Director General Presides Over Meeting in Cuba

Dr. Margaret Chan, director general of the World Health Organization (WHO), is presiding over on Tuesday in Havana the internal meeting of the global policy group of this international agency.

The meeting, which is being held for the first time in the region of the Americas, is attended by WHO regional directors, who will visit Cuban scientific institutions.

On Monday, WHO Regional Assistant Director Anarfi Asamoa-Baah, Luis Sambo, regional director for Africa, and Shin Young-soo, regional director for the Western Pacific, visited the Pedro Kouri Tropical Medicine Institute, the Ramon Pando Ferrer Ophthalmologic Hospital, and the Institute of Cardiology and Cardiovascular Surgery.

In each center, the experts received information about the programs and projects the country is carrying out, regarding vaccines, medicines, as well as the characteristics and functioning of the national health system, among others.

The meeting of the Regional Advisory Committee in Health Statistics (CRAES), attended by Dr. Mirta Roses, director of the Pan-American Health Organization (PAHO), is being held in parallel with the event.


Prensa Latina

