
Violation of Procedural Law in Cuban Antiterrorists Case

The US right-wing extremists achieved the violation of the Procedural Law in the case of the five Cuban-antiterrorists arrested in that country in 1998, said the president of Organizing Committee of the 3rd Congress on Procedural Law, Juan Mendoza.

Gerardo Hernandez, Antonio Guerrero, Fernando Gonzalez, Ramon Labañino and Rene Gonzalez were sentenced for alerting their country to violent actions planed by terrorists groups settled in US territory.

The sentence of the five Cuban antiterrorists in United States with the influence of the political element is what characterizes the situation, which necessarily deals with Procedural Law, said Mendoza to Prensa Latina news agency.

Before the closing of the event, which was carried out in Havana during 3 days with the participation of lawyers from 12 countries, Mendoza said in the interview that the trial of the five Cubans is a negative expression of the performance of US penal process.

"This model of prosecution that is not incorrect, is distorted by politics, to the extent of being intervened by the interests of the right-wing extremists settled in Miami, causing an opposing result to Procedural Law", highlighted the also president of the Cuban Society of Procedural Law.


Prensa Latina

