
US President to Arrive in Cuba on Sunday for Official Visit

The president of the United States, Barack Obama, will arrive in Havana in the afternoon of Sunday, March 20, to pay an official visit, the Cuban Foreign Ministry confirmed today.
According to the Foreign Ministry, during his stay here, Obama will hold official talks with Cuban President Raul Castro, and will participate in other events.
The son of a Kenyan father and a mother from Kansas, President Obama was born in Hawaii on August 4, 1961.
He graduated from the law school of Harvard and became the first Afro-American president of Harvard Law Review.
Later, in the Senate of Illinois, President Obama promoted the most important ethical reform in 25 years, cut the budget of families in the labor force and expanded healthcare services to children and their parents.
As an Illinois senator, he worked with the opposition to moderate the influence of pressure groups, secure the weapons of mass destruction and promote the government's transparency by reporting all expenditures of the Executive on the Internet.
He was elected the 44th president of the United States on November 4, 2008, and was sworn in on January 20, 2009. He was reelected in 2012.


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