
U.S. Blockade on Cuba against WTO Rules

The U.S. blockade against Cuba violates principles, objectives and rules of the multilateral trade system, denounced the Chargé d''affaires of the Cuban mission in Geneva, Nancy Madrigal.

Speaking before the World Trade Organization (WTO), during the 11th U.S. policy review, Madrigal warned that siege hinders economic and social development of a member and founder of the organization and, therefore, an obstacle to lift welfare levels of the population.

In international standards, the extraterritorial reach of the blockade also violates and affects other countries, said the official.

Among the most recent examples she cited the decision of the Office of Foreign Assets Control of the Treasury Department of the United States to impose a fine of $ 375 million USD to the international bank HSBC.

Similarly, a fine of $ 8,571,634 USD was applied to Japanese bank Tokyo-Mitsubishi, in both cases for alleged violation of the blockade.

Madrigal alleged that the United States maintains current Section 211, even though the Dispute Settlement Body considered that measure as incompatible with the provisions of the WTO a decade ago.

Section 211 applies to the detriment of Cuban brands, such as Havana Club rum.

Within the framework of laws she mentioned also the Tariff Classification of 1962, which denies most favored nation status to Cuba, and Torricelli, which places restrictions on naval traffic and prohibits trade with U.S. subsidiaries located in third countries.

Other laws include the Helms-Burton Act, which strengthened the prohibitions on Cuban exports, restricts travel by U.S. citizens to Cuba and implements Titles III and IV to prevent foreign investment in the Caribbean nation.

Illegal and discriminatory actions applied against Cuba by the United States could lead to actions beyond the simple examination of the trade policies of the member, Madrigal said at the WTO meeting.


Prensa Latina

