
UN: Two Decades Condemning Blockade on Cuba

The UN General Assembly will complete on Tuesday two decades of consecutive annual condemnations against the U.S.-imposed blockade on Cuba for almost 50 years.

The new report will take place at the top global forum, comprised of 193 countries and within the program of the 66th ordinary period of session of that international body.

The meeting will vote on a report presented by Cuba entitled "The Necessity of Ending the Economic, Commercial and Financial Blockade Imposed by the United States of America against Cuba."

According to the document, the direct economic damage to the Cuban people until December 2010, at current prices and at a conservative estimate, is greater than 104 billion USD.

But if we take into consideration the depreciation of the U.S. dollar against the value of gold in the international financial market, damages to the Cuban economy would be over 975 billion USD.

The text states that U.S. measures against the Caribbean island persist and strengthen, despite the increasing and categorical demand from the international community for its elimination.

In 2010, 187 countries voted in favor of a similar document in the UN plenary session, where the United States and Israel voted against, and Marshall Islands, Palau and Micronesia abstained.

The first UN vote on the blockade was on November 24, 1992, when the 47th ordinary session of the Assembly passed its first resolution condemning the blockade 59-3, with 71 abstentions.

About 50 heads of state and government worldwide demanded from the UN General Assembly podium the lifting of the U.S. siege on Cuba.

In its report to the UN, Cuba states that the government of President Barack Obama has maintained intact that policy, violating the right to peace, development and security of a sovereign State.


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