
UN: Cuba Calls to Eliminate and Ban Nuclear Weapons

The only guarantee that nuclear weapons can not be used lies in their removal and absolute ban, said Deputy Permanent Representative of Cuba to the United Nations, Oscar Leon Gonzalez.  

He stressed the Cuban proposal to allocate at least half of global military spending, estimated at 1.74 Trillion , to meet the needs of economic and social development through a fund managed by the UN. 

This position was exposed on Tuesday by the diplomat speaking at the First Committee of the General Assembly.

Leon Gonzalez warned of the increase in recent years of funding to legitimately subversive plans against established governments and exacerbating religious intolerance and conflict through regime change policy for geopolitical interests of major powers.

He said such clashes have also been fueled by the illegal transfer of weapons to non-state actors and the use of mercenaries, in violation of international obligations and principles of the UN Charter.

The Cuban representative recalled the existence of more than 20,000 nuclear warheads and called it unacceptable that the so-called nuclear deterrence continues as based on military doctrines that authorize the possession and use of such equipment.

In this regard, he called for the negotiation of an international treaty to eliminate and ban nuclear weapons, "a binding, non-discriminatory, transparent, verifiable and irreversible."

Leon Gonzalez also called to work for another instrument to provide security guarantees universal and unconditional for the non-nuclear-weapon countries against the use or threat of use.

He also called for the establishment of nuclear-weapon-free zones, including one in the Middle East.

The Cuban official endorsed the plan of action proposed by the Non-Aligned Movement which includes a timetable for the gradual reduction of these artifacts to their total elimination and prohibition, no later than 2025.

He also denounced the lack of political will by some States to make real progress on nuclear disarmament and urged to celebrate fourth special session of the General Assembly devoted to that issue.

Leon Gonzalez convened to negotiate a convention prohibiting the development, production, stockpiling and use of nuclear weapons, providing their destruction leading to their eventual elimination, non-discriminatory and verifiable, in accordance with a timetable.

The Cuban diplomat reiterated his country's commitment to the strict application of the convention on the prohibition of chemical weapons, biological and toxic and demanded the improvement of those measures realted to biological weapons.

Finally, Leon Gonzalez highlighted the recent reaffirmation of the program of action to prevent, combat and eradicate the illicit trade in small arms and light weapons in all its aspects.


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