
Struggling for a better world

Fifty years since the commitment to building a better world was made at the University of Havana and the Continental Organization of Latin American and Caribbean Students (OCLAE) was founded, on the initiative of Fidel, approximately 120 delegates from a score of countries in the region will come together from today, August 11 through 13, in Havana to once again call for anti-imperialist struggle.
Participants will discuss the history and evolution of the student movement in Latin America and the Caribbean; the need to achieve free, universal, quality education; and the role of youth in the region today.
The event program also includes tributes to heroes and martyrs of the organization, expositions, panel discussions with relevant personalities, the presentation of a book in honor of the OCLAE’s 50th anniversary and a meeting with representatives of member organizations participating in the encounter, among other activities.
Also taking place during the Latin American and Caribbean Anti-imperialist Students Encounter will be activities celebrating International Youth Day and the leader of the Cuban Revolution Fidel Castro’s 90th birthday.


Granma Internacional

