
Russia Repeats Criticism of US Detention Center in Guantanamo

In a special report, the Russian Foreign Ministry repeated on Tuesday its criticisms for the difficult human rights situation of those detained at the illegal U.S. naval base of Guantanamo Bay, eastern Cuba.

The document recalls that of 779 people detained in that facility without trial or appeals, 600 were released, eight died there, six were condemned by military commissions and 171 are still there.

The report of the Russian Foreign Ministry notes that the legal vacuum created at that U.S facility is unprecedented in modern history and is an indication of similar situations in other regions such as Afghanistan.

The text also notes that in the prisons operated by the Pentagon in Afghanistan, about 3,000 persons are held in very similar conditions to those of the base on the usurped Cuban territory, a flagrant violation of international law by Washington.

The report criticized U.S. President Barack Obama, who signed last December 31 the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), which allows the military to detain people indefinitely without charges or rights to trial.

The Russian Minister also notes that the law is very dangerous, because it does not establish geographic or time limits to make detentions and it can be used by future presidents to allow the military to continue this practice beyond the battlefield.

In its preamble, the document states that the human rights situation in the USA is far from the ideals professed by its government.


Prensa Latina

