
Return of Anti-terrorist fighter Fernando Gonzalez to Cuba, in focus

The return to Cuba of the anti-terrorist fighter Fernando Gonzalez stands here today amid claims that call as an act of justice the release of the other three fellow prisoners still in US jails since 1998.

In an editorial, Granma, the country's leading newspaper, recalled the arrival yesterday in the island of the Hero of the Republic of Cuba Fernando González, after fully comply prolonged and unjust sentences in federal prisons in the United States.

In that sense, the newspaper emphasized the unfairness of the penalty imposed by the Federal Court for the Souther District of Florida that led to for fifteen years, five months and fifteen days, Fernando deprived of the freedom all men with dignity as he, deserve.

In this regard, Granma said that such a sanction made him guilty of charges that were never proven during the long legal process to which the US courts subjected the Cuban Five, who actually worked to prevent any terrorist acts against Cuba and citizens of other countries, including USA.

Fernando was arrested by U.S. authorities on September 12, 1998, with René González, Gerardo Hernández, Antonio Guerrero and Ramón Labañino, when they gave tracking to extremist groups that from the U.S. territory planned and carried out violent actions against Cuba.

Currently, from the five anti-terrorists, except René and Fernando-who are in Cuba after fully, meet their long sentences-, the others are prisoners in U.S. penitentiaries, despite a worldwide campaign that calls for their release.


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