
Raul Castro Stresses Importance of Guidelines in Cuba's Development

President Raul Castro stressed the importance of a well prepared program such as that we have in the guidelines approved by the 6th Congress of the Party for the development of the country.

Speaking at the first plenary session of the 8th Legislature of the Parliament, Raul Castro said yesterday that to pay attention to the theory, discuss all these issues together with the people, and re-explain what they do not understand, is essential.

The country's main lines of development should have to be discussed in the future, for the people, as we did with the draft guidelines, debated in the Congress of the Party, and also by the legislators in the National Assembly, the Cuban president added. All what is approved should be checked twice a year as we have done, he said.

On the other hand, the Cuban president suggested that legislators should take a diploma course in the Higher School for Cadres, to achieve greater preparation in the complex issues of the economy, and on the profound changes that are being implemented in the country.

Cuba has to diversify its production and living on its own resources, Raul Castro stated.


Prensa Latina

