
Peruvian Women: Free the Cuban Five

A large group of prominent Peruvian women sent a letter to U.S. Ambassador Rose M. Likins demanding freedom for the five Cuban antiterrorists unjustly imprisoned in that northern country. 

The letter was delivered at the embassy by a delegation that included singer and songwriter Marcela Perez, poet Rossina Valcarcel, painter Fanny Palacios, and teacher Milagros Valdeavellano. 

The letter presents the 138 signers as a progressive group of Peruvian women, interested in human rights and the prevailing of justice. 

"We want to transmit our concern over the case of the five Cubans who are unjustly serving sentences in that northern country, and who marked 12 years in prison on September 12 for accusations that have never been proven," the document states. 

Rene Gonzalez, Fernando Gonzalez, Ramon Labañino, Antonio Guerrero and Gerardo Hernandez have devoted their lives to fight terrorism and friendship among peoples.


Prensa Latina

