New US Government and old blockade against Cuba
President Joe Biden is taking his first steps in office, while Cuba is still under the harmful effects of a long-standing blockade.
It is stated in a report that Cuba will submit in May to the United Nations General Assembly about the impact of the economic, financial and commercial blockade in force over the last six decades.
It will be another exercise at the General Assembly against a practice that has been rejected repeatedly by the international community.
It will be the twenty-ninth occasion that the draft resolution, entitled 'Necessity to end the economic, commercial and financial blockade imposed by the United States of America against Cuba', will be submitted to that UN body.
The report covers the period between April 2019 and March 2020, which has been characterized by a rollback in bilateral relations and a progressive tightening of Washington's blockade.
It is a period during which several regulations and provisions adopted by the Donald Trump administration reached unprecedented levels of hostility, as if the northern power were in a war against the neighboring small Caribbean nation.
The White House established the possibility of filing lawsuits in US courts against under the umbrella of Title III of the Helms-Burton Act those who 'traffic' in properties nationalized by Cuba according to its laws.
'The law aims to tighten international sanctions against Cuba at a time when the Caribbean island is opening up much more to foreign investments,' diplomat Yusnier Romero, an expert in the US General Department at Cuba's Foreign Ministry, told Prensa Latina.
He explained that the legislation is aimed at suffocating Cuba economically by enforcing four titles that promote financial persecution and extraterritorial lawsuits against third countries that are doing business in the Caribbean island.
With that purpose, the United States tightened the persecution of Cuba's financial and commercial transactions.
It also banned flights to Cuban airports (except for Havana), as part of a reinforced practice of persecution and intimidation to companies that send fuel to Cuba.
According to the report, from April 2019 to March 2020, the blockade caused Cuba to lose some 5.57 billion dollars, accounting for an increase of 1.226 billion dollars compared to the previous period.
For the first time, the total damage due to the US blockade exceeds five billion dollars.
According to current prices, the accumulated damage in nearly six decades of blockade (without including last year) amounts to 144.413 billion dollars.