
Mexico organizes health donations to Cuba

Mexicans and Cuban residents are carrying out today a voluntary work to pack gloves, masks, numerous medicines including antibiotics, and other supplies required for the protection of doctors attending Covid-19 cases.
In declarations to Prensa Latina, the leader of the Promotora de Solidaridad Va por Cuba, Irina Layevska, said that from early in the morning groups of people mobilized towards Carlos Pereyra Avenue in the Viaducto Piedad neighborhood, in the Iztacalco district, to help in the task of arranging the load with the donations collected in just a few days.
For her part, Olivia Garza, from the Board of Directors of the Jose Marti Association of Cuban Residents in Mexico, explained that both organizations managed to raise half a million Mexican pesos (25,000 dollars) in a very short time to buy supplies for doctors and essential medicines such as antibiotics, with a view to contributing to the battle against Covid-19 on the island.
He said that the speed in obtaining this money was due to the Cuban need for these means and to the opportunity offered by the organizers of the humanitarian flights to take advantage of the one that will leave next Friday 27th for Havana, which guarantees that the shipment will arrive on time.
Previously both institutions, together with the Mexican Movement of Solidarity with Cuba and the Independent Proletarian Movement, joined the international campaign to send important shipments of syringes to the island.


Prensa Latina

