Mexico Communist Party's March and Vigil in Homage to Fidel
The Communist Party of Mexico held a march and vigil in honor of the late Cuban Revolution leader Fidel Castro, whose legacy, he affirmed, is still more valid than ever.
Raising red flags and torches, dozens of Mexican communists marched to the Cuban embassy here, in front of whose headquarters they laid wreath, messages and expressed their solidarity with the Communist Party of Cuba and the people of the Caribbean island.
Fidel was a communist social fighter, who defended the ideals of socialism in an unattainable way, told Prensa Latina Angel Chavez, leader of the Mexican political group.
The participants, mostly young people sang revolutionary songs and expressed their admiration for the life and work of the Cuban former-president.
The Communist Party of Mexico also sent a letter to President Raul Castro in which he acknowledges Fidel's contributions to the struggle of the workers and peoples of the world.
'Today the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Mexico waves its red flags to Fidel Castro, Commander-in-Chief of the 26th of July Movement, the Granma expeditionaries, the Sierra Maestra fighters, who achieved the unity of all the Cuban people for revolutionary changes reaching the victory on January 1, 1959, 'the letter subscribes.
At this noon, the Mexican Solidarity Movement with Cuba convened an event in front of the Cuban embassy, ​​where a book of condolences will be opened next Monday due to the death of Fidel Castro, who headed from Mexico the libertarian expedition to the Greater Antilles, 60 years ago.