
Japan Delegation to Visit Cuba

Havana, Aug 31 (Prensa Latina) A Japanese delegation, including 10 survivors of the atomic bombing on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, will visit Havana soon on board of the Peace Boat and under the slogan To Build a Culture of Peace.

  The ship is making a tour around the world and was seen off at Yokohama airport few days ago.

As it has done before, the ship will land in Havana, bringing its permanent message of peace and good relations among the world nations.

In a meeting arranged with the Hibakusha (victims of the bombing), Andres Gonzalez Ballester, political advisor of the Cuban embassy to Tokyo, expressed the Cuban people's respect and admiration for them.

In the meeting, the text in Japanese language of the speech by the Cuban Revolution's historical leader Fidel Castro Ruz, during his visit to Hiroshima in 2003, was given to the dlegation members, the Cubasi website said.

The victims of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, who are traveling to Cuba as a group for the first time, highlighted their great interest to learn about the Cuban Revolution achievements in its 50 years.



