
Iran Defends Resistance and Diplomacy Against US Blockade

Resistance and diplomacy are the solutions to the U.S. economic blockade against Cuba, an Iranian organization of solidarity with Latin America have said today, after demanding an end to that policy.
In a statement issued in Tehran, the House of Latin America (HOLA) predicted success for the draft resolution that Cuba will present to the UN General Assembly on October 26th condemning the financial and economic siege of the island.
It is expected that, as with other proposals on the issue that have been presented in previous years, the resolution will be approved by a large majority in the UN, stressed the statement to which Prensa Latina had access.
The members of HOLA, an institution that seeks to deepen friendship and solidarity between the Iranian and Latin American peoples, denounced the pernicious results of U.S. economic blockades for the nations to which they are applied, included Cuba and Iran.
'Destroying resistance in nations that stand up in the fight against such sanctions and defend independence, sovereignty and dignity,' were mentioned among the main objectives of these blockades.
The text quoted the Cuban Revolution and Iran's Islamic Revolution as 'two excellent examples of this brave resistance.' The resistance of Iran led, two years ago, to the U.S. government recognizing the political defeat of their blockade against the country.


Prensa Latina

