
Intl Figures Demand End of Media Anti-Cuba Attacks

Figures from sectors as culture, critical thinking, academics and social fighters from 31 countries have condemned the current media attack on Cuba, basically emanating from Miami and three newspapers in Spain, in an attack against the political and human rights of Cuban citizens.

The statement "In Defense of Cuba", published by the Network in Defense of Humanity about the European Parliament (EP) resolution of March 11, 2010, against Cuba, highlights that the mediatic aggression had begun even before the death of ordinary prisoner Orlando Zapata Tamayo.

Pretending to justify an interference in Cuban internal political affairs by manipulating the case of Orlando Zapata, who was an ordinary violent convict, not a political prisoner, coincide with the counter-insurgent policies applied in Latin America in a bid to stop or distort the ongoing process of political transformation and emancipation.

The signatories, who are important intellectuals from Mexico, Spain, France, Italy, the United States and other countries, demand to respect the Cuban internal process to define and exercise their democracy, and to be consistent with the world principles of non-interference agreed by the United Nations.

The document also has received great support from Caribbean, Central, South and North American, and European countries, backed by important figures like Mexican Pablo Gonzalez Casanova and Victor Flores Olea, Spaniards Alfonso Sastre, Juan Madrid and Ramon Chao, Canadian James Cockroft and US citizens Danny Glover, Saul Landau and Setsuko Ono.

"So, just as they have evidenced concern regarding the death of the convicted criminal named Orlando Zapata (without criminal record in 40 years), we also suggest that they demand the end of the Israeli occupation of Gaza and the systematic harassment to the Palestinian people, which has caused not one but thousands of deaths; the U.S. intervention in Iraq and Afghanistan which has sowed terror and death in their people and communities; the bombing on those places, allegedly in defense of democracy; the end of Haiti's double occupation; the closing of the US prison and military base in Guantanamo and returning its territory to Cuba; returning the Falklands to Argentina, and of course the end of the Cuban blockade, which violates the human rights of the Cuban people and places in doubt the moral legitimacy of those who demand humane treatment for a criminal but deny it to an entire country," the above mentioned figures demanded.


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