Int''l Commission on Cuban Antiterrorists Begins
Convincing testimonies by experts and victims of terrorist actions against Cuba marked the beginning today here of the works of an international commission investigating the case of the Cuban antiterrorist fighters unjustly condemned in the United States.
Hearings began with a criticism to the decision by the United Kingdom government of not granting visa to travel to London to Rene Gonzalez, the first of those men who was released from prison, after completing his sentence imposed by U.S. courts.
The almost 300 participants in the meeting listened to a detailed explanation by lawyer Martin Garbus, defender of The Five, about the development of the case since the detention of Rene, Gerardo Hernandez, Antonio Guerrero, Ramon Labañino, and Fernando Gonzalez in 1998.
They also knew the personal matters of the work by notorious terrorists against Cuba, such as Luis Posada Carriles and Orlando Bosh, during an explanation given by Lieutenant Colonel Roberto Hernandez Caballero, a researcher of the Cuban Ministry of Interior.
Two of the most shocking moments of the first session of the commission were starred by Bettina Palenzuela and Margarita Morales.
The first one is the daughter of Adriana Corcho, a diplomatic official who died as a result of a bomb attack in April 1976 against the Cuban embassy in Lisbon.
The second one lost his father, a technical director of the fencing team who died in the sabotage to a Cubana de Aviacion airplane in Barbados in 1976, in which 73 people were killed.
Both agreed that fighting for the release of The Five is to honor the memory of thousands of victims of terrorism in Cuba, and pointed out the need to imprison Posada Carriles, who lives freely in Miami, despite his many crimes.
The investigating commission is comprised of former Indian Justice Minister Yogesh Sabharwal, Zac Yaccob, former member of the Constitutional Court of South Africa, and France's Court of Cassation judge Phillipe Texier.
Participants come from Germany, Belgium, Denmark, France, Ireland, the United Kingdom, the United States, Sweden, Vietnam, Canada, Switzerland, Spain, Italy, Norway, Romania, El Salvador, Chile, and Cuba, organizers said.
Hearings began with a criticism to the decision by the United Kingdom government of not granting visa to travel to London to Rene Gonzalez, the first of those men who was released from prison, after completing his sentence imposed by U.S. courts.
The almost 300 participants in the meeting listened to a detailed explanation by lawyer Martin Garbus, defender of The Five, about the development of the case since the detention of Rene, Gerardo Hernandez, Antonio Guerrero, Ramon Labañino, and Fernando Gonzalez in 1998.
They also knew the personal matters of the work by notorious terrorists against Cuba, such as Luis Posada Carriles and Orlando Bosh, during an explanation given by Lieutenant Colonel Roberto Hernandez Caballero, a researcher of the Cuban Ministry of Interior.
Two of the most shocking moments of the first session of the commission were starred by Bettina Palenzuela and Margarita Morales.
The first one is the daughter of Adriana Corcho, a diplomatic official who died as a result of a bomb attack in April 1976 against the Cuban embassy in Lisbon.
The second one lost his father, a technical director of the fencing team who died in the sabotage to a Cubana de Aviacion airplane in Barbados in 1976, in which 73 people were killed.
Both agreed that fighting for the release of The Five is to honor the memory of thousands of victims of terrorism in Cuba, and pointed out the need to imprison Posada Carriles, who lives freely in Miami, despite his many crimes.
The investigating commission is comprised of former Indian Justice Minister Yogesh Sabharwal, Zac Yaccob, former member of the Constitutional Court of South Africa, and France's Court of Cassation judge Phillipe Texier.
Participants come from Germany, Belgium, Denmark, France, Ireland, the United Kingdom, the United States, Sweden, Vietnam, Canada, Switzerland, Spain, Italy, Norway, Romania, El Salvador, Chile, and Cuba, organizers said.
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