
Hit by Drought, Cuba Fosters Water-Saving Culture

Cuba is currently fostering appropriate forms for water consumption, as one of the ways to reduce the indiscriminate use of that resource amid a severe drought.

In a search of increasing the residential and state sector awareness of this problem, the National Institute of Hydraulic Resource is reinforcing the spreading of information about measures aimed at better distributing the precious liquid.

This campaign is supported by the Water Saving and Rational Use Program (PAURA), in force since 2005, and government agencies like the Education Ministry that has already joined the project, focusing the work on the children and the youths.

The Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment and mass media are also participating in this program, contributing experiences in environmental education.

Among PAURA's objectives are to promote new styles and adequate habits for water consumption to guarantee its protection and rational use.

The current drought event, started in November 2008 and worsened throughout 2009, and it's considered the fourth more severe event in the last 109 years.

The Cuban Civil Defense' General Staff stated that the country is adopting appropriate measures to guarantee water supply and monitor the impact of rainfall deficit on the source of supply and its possible effects.


Prensa Latina

