
Guatemala Reaffirms Ties with Cuba

The peoples of Guatemala and Cuba reaffirmed their historical ties of friendship in a meeting organized by the city council of the capital.
The meeting was headed by Mayor Alvaro Arzu, who during his term as president reestablished diplomatic bilateral relations with Cuba in 1998, broken off years earlier by Guatemala.
According to Cuban Ambassador Roberto Blanco, Arzus gesture came precisely when the first Cuban medical brigade arrived in Guatemala.
Cuba sent the brigade to assist the Guatemalan population after the devastating Hurricane Mitch, leading to cooperation in the health sector that continues today.
That cooperation was later expanded to include the literacy program "Yo, si puedo" (Yes, I can), and the sports sector.
The Cuban people and its government offer this humble cooperation in all sincerity as one more way of strengthening the bonds of friendship between their two nations, Blanco said.


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