
Great Social Convergence Embraces Peace in Colombia

Colombian indigenous people, Afro-descendants,countryside workers, students, workers and religious people are boosting today the creation of a social space for for peace to favor discussions to support the Government-insurgency talks and build a scene for the easing of tension, starting in communities.
More than 300 associations in the country support the project aimed to build that space for national dialogue between the civil society and the institutional and economic powers.
Determined to make contributions to the discussions in Cuba between representatives of the Government and the guerrilla Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia-People-s Army (FARC-EP), the authority recently shaped will support the next official policies with the ELN, also involved in the military confrontation, Senator Ivan Cepeda asserted.
With a new original agenda, in the social space, they will analyze issues included in the talks with the insurgents and others that had been left out of those negotiations, said the text that called to this initiative.
The main objective is to propose solutions to the social and political problems related to the origin of the war, convinced that pacification needs a contribution by all, asserted several orators during the presentation of the initiative.


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