FARC Propose Initiatives for Social, Popular Participation
The Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia-People''s Army (FARC-EP) proposed in this capital today some initiatives for social and popular participation in public policy and planning in that South American country.
Shortly before beginning another round of peace talks with the government of that nation, the guerrilla delegation called for the creation of the National Council for the Democracy and Participatory Public Policy, aimed at the definition of objectives and guidelines in that area.
In a release read by the insurgent team member Ricardo Tellez at the Conference Center in Havana, the FARC-EP said that entity should satisfy the principle and guarantee of national sovereignty.
The Council would also take into account the interests of the poor and needy and their good life, and the effective realization of the rights enshrined in the Constitution, he said.
According to the text, in addition to the representation of the Executive Power and the Legislature, and the economic associations, organized workers, communities and traditionally excluded sector will be present in that entity.
The FARC-EP also requested that the planning process and that of budget policy are democratic and participatory in the stages of preparation, discussion, approval and implementation at all levels, and requested the creation of a special audit.
The insurgency and the government resumed talks yesterday, after a three-day recess announced by the guerrillas, to analyze the executive's initiative to call a referendum on a possible peace agreement.