
FARC-EP Call Colombians to Defend Political Solution to Conflict

The Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia-People''s Army (FARC-EP) convened today to defend the peace process installed in this capital with the South American country's government.

"We have to defend all, with body and soul, political solution to the social and armed conflict. Here are the FARC full of optimism and determination, "said rebel commander Ivan Marquez at the close of the eighth cycle of talks that started on November 19.

Speaking at the Havana Convention Palace, permanent headquarters of the dialogue, the head of the rebel delegation urged "Colombian people mobilized for peace" not to tolerate attempts to "sabotage reconciliation efforts and progress in building ostensible agreement."

Marquez claimed the state for the public political participation and full democracy.

"A democratic government does not pursue nor represses the political choice. It educates citizens and military in culture of tolerance. It does not allow the killing of those who claim their land violently robbed. It contains criminal hand that has begun to exterminate the emerging leaders of the Patriotic March, "he warned.

The FARC-EP and the executive today concluded the eighth cycle of talks with Cuba and Norway as guarantors, process far focused on analyzing the question of land, considered key by the partners, in order to end decades of conflict.

The agenda of the talks also includes topics such as political participation, attention to victims and the solution to the problem of illicit drugs, among others.

Tomorrow, the peace talks will go into a recess until next May 13.

Statements of the parties have generated expectations in the Colombian and international public about the closeness of an agreement on the land issue, to move to the point of political participation.


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