
Equatorial Guinean Students to End Medicine Career in Cuba

A group of 35 Equatorial Guinean students of the Medicine Faculty in the city of Bata traveled to Cuba, where they will conclude the sixth year of the career, diplomatic sources stated today.

"Happy trip and stay in Cuba. Study much and prove human and solidarity values of the Cuban health professionals and their people in general," Havana ambassador to Malabo, Pedro Doña, said after saying good-bye to the 10th contingent since that university branch was founded in Bata, the country's economic capital.

About 208 physicians have graduated with that modality up to date in that higher study center, to spend the last year of the career in the island. The main role of that training lies in a group of Cuban professors.

The medicine faculty in Bata, in the continental region, was founded in 2000, by an initiative by President Teodoro Obiang Nguema and the leader of the Cuban Revolution, Fidel Castro.

In front of the future physicians, Doña said they will also receive the love they feel for Equatorial Guinea and Africa.

I exhort them to return to your homeland with their diploma as doctors, to join to the army in white coats growing in that African nation to assist the people.


Prensa Latina

