
Cuban Students to Honor Revolutionary Deed

Leaders of Cuba''s Federation of University Students (FEU) will hold several events today to honor the martyrs of the attack on the Presidential Palace and Radio Reloj on March 13, 1957.

Members of the Revolutionary Directorate, led by FEU leader Jose Antonio Echeverria, attacked the two buildings on March 13, 53 years ago, to execute Dictator Fulgencio Batista and inform the people about the action.

The first action failed and Batista's police murdered many attackers near the University of Havana.

As a tribute to those martyrs, a wreath will be laid today in the place where Jose Antonio Echeverria and some of his comrades were killed.

After that, hundreds of youths will run the March 13 Marathon, which will finish at the former Presidential Palace, today the Museum of the Revolution, where a rally will be held this afternoon.

Students from the capital will also gather at the Mausoleum of the March 13 Martyrs in the Colon Cemetery.

They will also make a pilgrimage to Jose Antonio Echeverria's birth house and grave in the municipality of Cardenas, in western Matanzas province.

Members of the Revolutionary Directorate and relatives of those who fell in the action will accompany the students in a series of events that will conclude on March 25, the birthday of FEU founder Julio Antonio Mella, who was born in 1903.


Prensa Latina

